Monday, December 22, 2003

Now losing its identity

A pronounced mist seems to be sharply reducing visibility across the Atlantic Ocean today, judging from Andrew Sullivan's blog:

LE MONDE IS PISSED: [about the Libyan deal]

So for the purposes of this post, he's American, because otherwise he would have said pissed off. But then in a post about famous people who have refused awards under the British government's honours system:

I'm impressed. the British honors system, whereby ordinary people of extraordinary ability or achievement are turned into pseudo-lords and ladies or given some medal of honor by the "British Empire" is a horrifying instance of the hold that class snobbery still has on Britain. In my view, the whole system should be abolished...The refuseniks are the true British heroes; not the establishment toadies.

Now he's a British Republican...and what must he think of someone so pathetically chasing status as to renounce his citizenship just to be able to collect one of these honours. Poor Conrad, dumped by the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy with such indecent haste. But then as Sullywatch notes, Sullivan may have too good an understanding of the dilemma of those who have to go abroad when the natives are insufficiently appreciative.

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