Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Another crazy British court case you'll soon hear about

A while back we posted about the bizarre Millionaire scam trial, in which a threesome was alleged to have coughed its way to the top prize on the quiz show. Now there's an even stranger case featuring that Powers-esque number of one million dollars. A rich businessman is suing a rabbi who he says spread the false rumour that the businessman had offered the said one million dollars for another man's wife. (Maybe it's not coveting if it's followed up with an offer of purchase). The case hasn't started yet but is in the news because it previously had very un-American reporting restrictions, but the businessman successfully applied to have those restrictions lifted. Needless to say, the media simply can't resist the real-life Indecent Proposal angle so the unrestricted reporting will be a godsend for them. We need to do some more research on this tech-boom businessman, Mr Brian Maccaba, because the English media say he's English, the Irish media say he's Irish, while both agree he is a convert to Judaism. We don't know if he had the Israel-friendly surname before he converted.

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