Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Handing out the goodies

One day after the Stormont re-establishment, an announcement from Downing Street --

9 May 2007

The Queen has been pleased to approve that Jeffrey Mark Donaldson MP MLA and Peter David Robinson MP MLA be sworn of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council.

This seems like a relatively large proportion of "right honourables" for a small party, the DUP.

UPDATE: There's a revealing sentence in Ian Paisley's welcoming statement --

Our Privy Councillors, together with the DUP Police Board members, will adopt a monitoring role over all security and intelligence matters over the coming months and years.

Is this part of the compromise to keep the DUP on the inside track when Sinn Fein are allowed to enter the security arrangements in Northern Ireland? [after writing this update we see that Slugger says that's essentially what it is]

FINAL UPDATE: There were sworn in on the same day as Bertie's Westminster speech. There is stuff going on behind the pomp that people need to keep an eye on.

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