Wednesday, June 30, 2004

An Irish voice for the Bronx Cheer

At last night's Yankees vs Red Sox game at Yankee Stadium, Dick Cheney was in attendance. In what is a regular Yankees tradition, Irish tenor Ronan Tynan sang God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch; Cheney's picture appeared on the stadium screen, and in a politer version of Cheney's preferred insult (Go F*** Yourself), he was booed. Incidentally, we had hoped to pull a quote from the New York Times story which had described the incident -- but weirdly, although the print edition had it in full detail, the relevant sentences are gone from the web version, and the booing (minus the Ronan mention) is relegated to a side story about Cheney's pop-in. Is the NYT scared of making Cheney's unpopularity too explicit?

UPDATE: Atrios has also been tracking the changes in the NYT web version, which removed the part about Cheney being booed from the game report.