Saturday, May 28, 2005

Attack of the Clones

Recently, Sullywatch proposed that Andrew Sullivan [pictured here] must struggle to the realisation that his colleagues on the keyboarding right were as irretrievably lost in the moral abyss as Anakin was to the Dark Side in Star Wars. But like Anakin, Sully continues to see far off enemies everywhere, but not the ones closest to him.

For instance, he today prints in full an "e-mail of the day" to him, which consists of a homophobic attack on him by (allegedly) a US soldier in Iraq. But then his supposed friend Mickey Kaus, whose attacks on Sully already have something of the dogwhistle about them, had this throwaway remark in the midst of a critique of a Los Angeles Times editorial:

If Johnny Apple [NYT hack] and Andrew Sullivan had a love child, he might find this editorial highly persuasive.

The only thing to recommend about this sentence is the clear calculation that went into it -- besides the wink-wink, there's the equation of Sully to the epitome of expense-account dead-tree journalism. Completely unsurprisingly, Glenn Reynolds chimes in with approval. Unfortunately, with Sully still being so eager to participate in other Keyboarding Krusades, like the War on Krugman, we don't think he's able to see the Sith Lord just yet.

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