Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Those were the days

National Review's The Corner recalls that the 11-M ("3/11") Madrid bombings were 5 years ago today. They helpfully include a list of links to National Review articles about 11-M. But they left out the Frank Gaffney one, the one which concludes --

The evidence presented thus far by El Mundo is, to be sure, inconclusive. Yet, it strongly suggests that at least some in the Spanish police may know considerably more about who was really behind the 3/11 bombings — attacks that undid the electoral fortunes of the Spanish government, brought to power socialists hostile to its most important domestic and foreign policies and precipitated changes in those policies that could only encourage terrorists to interfere in elections elsewhere.

Given the stakes for Spain, for its relations with the United States, and for the democratic world more generally, there should be few higher priorities than getting to the bottom of what may be Spain’s Terrorgate. As the current Spanish government might have reasons for resisting a no-holds-barred investigation, and those in Washington anxious to foster improved bilateral ties may be reluctant to press for one, it may fall to the sorts of citizen-activists and bloggers who thwarted Dan Rather’s notorious attempt to hijack America’s exercise of democracy in 2004 to find out precisely what happened to its Spanish counterpart.

Yes, the heady days when what was then an only an embryonic stem cell of Pajamas Media types was going to unmask the alliance of terrorists, socialists, and Dan Rather which was out to destroy the free world.

Good times.

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