Monday, February 22, 2016

Why aren't tax cuts for rich people more popular?

Some Wall Street Journal opinion pieces are best read from the end --

Mr. Arbess, the founder of Xerion Investments, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and co-founder of No Labels, promoting political bipartisanship.

So what are the complaints of Daniel Arbess? That the millennials (whom he conflates as both Trump and Sanders supporters, but he means Sanders) are "voting against interest" by being in favour of policies that would hurt them economically. The mystery of how people might vote for policies that don't benefit them personally is presented in such a Eureka! way that it's clear he hasn't heard of, let alone read What's the Matter with Kansas? but the mask drops once Mr Arbess gets around to clarifying who those bearded pour-over-demanding millennials should be aligning with --

At this point in the presidential campaign, all the ideas for stimulating growth are coming from the Republican side: Marco Rubio has discussed the transformational challenges of the tech economy, and he has proposed alternatives to traditional campus-based higher education (online college and flexible vocational training); innovative student-loan programs; and corporate tax and regulatory reforms. Jeb Bush and John Kasich are also reform-minded, including promoting initiatives to ease the burden on small businesses that power job growth.


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