Monday, May 31, 2004

Not that there's anything wrong with that

In last week's New York Times Sunday book review section, Michael Kinsley levelled the worst insult in Dubya's America at so-called "smart conservative" NYT columnist, David Brooks:

David Brooks is not merely a liberal. He's French.

This accusation has stood the true test of a good theory: more proof arrives after it is put forward. For what do we find in Le Monde a week later, but a story about a Paris suburb now seeing an invasion of Brooks' key contribution to the sociological typology, the bobo (bourgeois bohemian). Headline:

Les bobos investissent la banlieue rouge de Paris

There's even talk of a ghetto bobo. So for Brooks, there's the good news of someone using his pet concept, but in what is, for the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy, a hated publication. For how long more can Brooks can maintain the facade of another of Dubya's true believers?

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