Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Someone who'll make the camels run on time

The confusion deepens amongst the Wall Street Journal editorial page people. Today from opinionjournal, a slam at King Abudullah of Jordan:

Do the opponents of Iraq's liberation wish for Saddam Hussein's return to power? We were referring to American opponents, but the New York Times reports Jordan's King Abdullah II seems to want if not Saddam, at least somebody like him--in the Times' words, "a strongman--possibly drawn from the ranks of Saddam Hussein's army."

Which merely means that the King agrees with Mark Helprin, who made the same proposal in one of their op-ed pieces yesterday:

We already have ceded part of Sunni Iraq: What remains is to pick a strongman, see him along, arrange a federation, hope for the best, remount the army, and [invade Saudi Arabia, but he doesn't quite put it that way]

Maintaining spin is hard.

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