Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Movie mutation fun

Finding ourselves with not much to contribute in way of comment today -- no Irish angle to the CIA NOC list getting out in the open -- we instead introduce the following new feature: what if we took a current movie, and examined the relevance of quotes by or about previous characters played by the star of that movie? And so we kick things off with a consideration of Shattered Glass, the movie about the journalist who had no sources for his very eye-catching reports, Stephen Glass. [coming later, the sequel about the journalist who after the fact claims that he had no sources for his very eye-catching reports, based on Bob Novak]

Anyway, the character of Glass is played by Hayden Christensen, who previously played Anakin Skywalker, the young Darth Vader, in Star Wars Episodes I and II. And the following quotes seem weirdly appropriate to the Glass role:

"Clouded this boy's future is." - Yoda

Anakin: You're asking me to be rational. I know that is something I cannot do.

Anakin: I've got a bad feeling about this!

Anakin: It's all Obi-Wan's fault! He's jealous. He's holding me back!
[prompting the question: who in Shattered Glass is the counterpart of Obi-wan?]

[now getting to Glass's active imagination]
Obi-Wan: If you spent as much time practicing your saber techniques as you did your wit, you'd rival Master Yoda as a swordsman.
Anakin: I thought I already did.
Obi-Wan: Only in your mind, my very young apprentice

[And finally, leaving open the question of which character is more in touch with reality]
Anakin: One day, I will become the greatest Jedi EVER!! I will even learn how to stop people from dying!!

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