Thursday, February 01, 2007

Faux Liberal

Dick Morris still trades as a "liberal"/"Democratic" pundit on the TV shows. Consider this account from Powerline's "Deacon" of a meeting Morris had with conservative journalists and bloggers --

Morris is working on a film, along with Clinton-era "vast right-wing conspirator" David Bossie, that he says will expose what a phony Hillary is. [God's work] When asked whether these sorts of attacks might prove counter-productive, he responded that only "below the belt" (i.e. sex-related attacks) are likely to backfire. At another point in his presentation, though, he noted Hillary's skill in gaining sympathy as a woman whenever she's attacked. Asked whether he was planning to "Swiftvet" Hillary, Morris responded "yes" [but Morris lacks the standing of the swiftvets, he's a former(?) political operative]

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