Friday, December 01, 2006

Clearing the desk

In a statement that looks like it was written before last week's events at Stormont but got buried under the NATO and Jordan briefings, the White House has issued a statement of support for the progress (sic) in implementation of the St Andrews Agreement --

The United States welcomes the recent progress made by the Northern Ireland parties and the British and Irish Governments to implement the agreement reached at St. Andrews, and I recognize the leadership shown by the political party leaders. The United States fully supports the agreed way forward for Northern Ireland: a power-sharing government by the end of March next year, based on support for the rule of law and policing.

The one bit of leverage that the White House still has is the St Patrick's Day invitations and visas, but right now it looks like Ian Paisley is the one herding cats and it's not clear how much leverage those perks have with him.

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