Tuesday, June 19, 2007


George Bush today, in a meeting that broke the 18 month ostracisation of Israeli PM Olmert -

It's interesting that extremists attack democracies around the Middle East, whether it be the Iraq democracy, the Lebanese democracy, or a potential Palestinian democracy.

Thus, the Iraqi Founding Fathers, installed by a US invasion, are equivalent to incumbent Lebanese government, a product of a sectarian division of power but itself the victim of an Israeli invasion last summer, and to Fatah, the corrupt former (?) terrorist organisation that lost a fairly-conducted election to Hamas, which was part of the government until the Palestinian president introduced the new system of two governments and no state.  It would be harder to find a better illustration of what happens when the GWOT meets the freedom agenda meets the unconditional US security guarantee to Israel.  And that's before any more crazy stuff happens in Pakistan.

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